
Do you have an attitude of gratitude?

Today I’ve read some thought-provoking words from Thom S. Rainer (dean of a theological seminary and president of a church consultation group). I want to share some quotes with you – please feel free to post a comment, I always appreciate receiving positive contributions – keep them coming!

One trend is explicitly clear to me: A vast number of church members have developed a consumer mentality. Comments like these are becoming commonplace: “I don’t get my needs met at this church.” “I don’t like the times of the services.” “This church does not have enough programs to meet my needs.” “I am not fed at this church.” Certainly some of these concerns and complaints are legitimate. Many churches have become so inwardly focused that they fail to see the needs of others. But too many Christians have an attitude that asks what the church has done for them lately. The attitude of sacrificial service is all but gone for many church members.

It is too easy to write off people who are not like us. It is too convenient to avoid those who irritate us. It is simply a lot easier to spend time with people like us, people who think like us and act like us. But if we truly love people unconditionally, we will seek those who are different. We will, in God’s power, learn to love the unlovable. We will begin to see more people through the eyes of Christ. Do you love others unconditionally?

We who have been transformed by the presence of Christ in our lives always have reason to rejoice. Paul wrote to the Philippian church: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Our rejoicing does not depend on the changing circumstances of life, but on the unchanging Christ who gives us life. Do you show a joyous attitude at home, at work, and in your neighbourhood? Such joy can be contagious and give you opportunities to tell others the source of your joy. Do you have an attitude of gratitude?

Excerpts from The Unchurched Next Door by Thom S. Rainer. © 2003 by Thom S. Rainer. Permission is granted to copy and distribute for non-commercial purposes. Let me know if you want to read more excerpts. I can mail you a document entitled Eight Tough Questions Before You Reach Out. Just send me an email message and I will forward this document to you.

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