
Wisdom of the Sadhu

"The West is like Judas Iscariot, who ate with Yesu, only to later deny him. The West ought to fear the fate of Judas, lest it hang itself on the tree of learning. You have so many privileges. We in the East have to give up many things when we become Christians. For you, it is not so. Therefore be careful that you don't lose your only possibility for eternal happiness. I am reminded of the hunter who was pursued by a tiger. He had no fear because his hut was nearby and he was sure that he had the key in his pocket. On reaching it, however, the key was gone, and although there was only the thickness of the door between him and safety, he was lost."

Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-1929) follower of Jesus from India.
Read more about this excellent book here - Highly recommended!

Wisdom of the Sadhu
Teachings of Sundar Singh
Edited by Kim Comer

Some time ago I read the story of Sundar Singh’s life (1889-1929) and was excited by his simple faith, as he walked the length and breadth of India as a Sadhu, an Indian holy man, spreading the love of God and the teachings of his son Jesus. So familiar to most of us, so new to the majority of his listeners. It is an incredible story, as he became widely known far beyond India. Despite his beggar like existence, followers enabled him to visit and teach in Europe, the Orient and USA. He only left six slim books, but we now have this collection of anecdotes, sayings, parables, and meditations from those and other obscure sources, to make his teachings accessible to another generation. Review by Mary Barholomew

Paperback Price: £8.00
Publisher:Plough Publishing House
Published:2000 ISBN:0-874-86998-6

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