
Jesus in the mosque

Under the acacias (click on the image to visit this weblog)

Yesterday I came across an interesting posting on Under the Acacias (a Missionary blog from Keith Smith, an Englishman who is doing evangelism, church-planting, and social ministry among the Fulani, a Muslim, traditionally nomadic, pastoral people in Burkina Faso). I am impressed by his respectful approach and strong testimony.
Please read this quotation and click on the image above if you want to read about the way Keith Smith approaches the Muslims in Burkina Faso!

Muslims do suffer from being vilified in much western, and even in much Christian perspective. Of course there is a whole spectrum of different kinds of Muslim, including the fanatical extremists, just as there are in Christianity or in any other sector of society. Yet from my experience, it seems that most Muslims are genuine, generous people who just want to live in peace, provide for their families, and know that they are right with God.
I can recognise the presence of God in the Muslim's desire for Him and desire to live rightly before Him, in his search for righteousness and forgiveness, and in the generosity, hospitality, and respect that come from that. I believe unashamedly that Jesus Christ is the way forward for the Muslim on his journey to find those things.
But God has set eternity into the human heart, and we need to recognise the validity of the starting place of each person's journey. Read this quote in the context of the original posting
Please also read the former entry about the Christian approach to Muslims and the example of Brother Andrew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link and the encouragements!