
Non-stop prayers (Please feel free to post a prayer request or send me a personal message - see below this posting!)

Some time ago I came across this site about praying continually (24-7 prayer). Are these guys a bunch of fanatics, or what? No, at least, I don't think so! I believe that prayer is a re-discovered weapon, a powerful gift from God that has long been neglected by many Christians. For sure, they will say grace at the table before they start loading their stomachs with food and drinks and - if they are Catholics - they might cross themselves every now and then. And of course all true believers will cry out to God if there is a reason to be worried or afraid. They say there are no atheists in fox holes, and I would add that their number is greatly reduced if there is a major disaster.

I'm not much of a prayer warrior myself. I don't get up early to pray for an hour or more and I don't skip a night's sleep to discuss things with the Lord, but I do speak to God throughout my day (and often during the night). I share my thoughts with Him, I thank Him for the people I love and for all the good things that He has given me. I discuss my plans with Him and I bring my fears and anxieties before the heavenly throne.
I was raised as a Christian and my parents taught me to pray. For me, praying is like breathing and reading the Bible is like eating my daily bread. 'Most people commit the same mistake with God that they do with their friends: they do all the talking' - I just read somewhere. That is something to think about. In silence, of course...

The 24-7 prayer movement is spreading like wildfire. Visit this site if you want to know what is going on. You can also visit the so called Wailing Wall to post a prayer and / or to pray for someone else's needs. You can also read about special Houses of Prayer (the so called Boiler Rooms) where people go to pray, sing, think, draw or just be silent in the presence of God. This is an example of the art that is created in these Houses of Prayer:

Artistic murals in a House of Prayer (praying with paint...)

Quote from the 27-prayer site:
"Thousands of people have already discovered that 24-7 prayer works in dozens of nations, most denominations and in locations as diverse as the US Naval Academy, an English Cathedral, a German punk festival, a Swiss skate park and a South African school. And if all these people in all these places can do it, so can you!"

'Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 29:12-14).

Meaningful graffiti: the writing is on the wall...

Plenty of things to pray for in this world...

If you are reading this, please take some time to let me know your opinion about this international prayer movement. Please tell me if you believe in the power of prayer, what you are praying for at the moment and how you are praying. I just want to know. And of course I want to pray for you too! Use 'click to write a comment' below this posting or just send me a personal email (Please be assured that all messages will be treated with confidentiality).

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