
Can I have your votes, please?

Let's try to do some market research here...

We are planning to publish the Dutch edition of I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist - written by Norman. L. Geisler and Frank Turek. On the left you see the original cover from the US edition and above two possible cover designs for our Dutch edition (the title is the same in Dutch).

Now we need to make up our minds: we can choose the safe & serious design (above left) or go for a light-hearted & funny version (right)... Please let me know what you would prefer - as a potential book buyer...

Your help will be highly appreciated!

[Click on the pics to enlarge]

A bit more information about this book:

I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist argues that Christianity requires the least faith of all worldviews because it is the most reasonable. The authors lay out the evidence for truth, God, and the Bible in logical order and in a readable, non-technical, engaging style. A valuable aid to those interested in examining the reasonableness of the Christian faith, Geisler and Turek provide a firm challenge to the prior beliefs of doubters and skeptics.

Some endorsements:

“I already know ten people to whom I will give this book. It’s truly a Godsend.” –David Limbaugh

“I wish [this book] had been available when I was an atheist—it would have saved a lot of time in my spiritual journey toward God!” –Lee Strobel

“If you’re still a skeptic after reading I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, then I suspect you’re living in denial!” –Josh McDowell

“Atheism requires gobs of blind faith while the path of logic and reason leads straight to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Geisler and Turek convincingly show why.” –Phillip E. Johnson

“I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist will equip, exhort, and encourage you‘to give the reason for the hope that you have . . . with gentleness and respect.’” –Hank Hanegraaff

“This book should disturb anyone claiming to be an atheist . . . perhaps enough to persuade them to begin a search for the God who has been there all along.” –Cal Thomas

“Geisler and Turek present the crucial information needed to avoid being swept away by the onslaughts of secular ideologies that cast science, philosophy, and biblical studies as enemies of the Christian faith.” –William A. Dembski


Anonymous said...

I would go for the one with the peacock!

St0ne said...

I would go with the serious one, It doesn't show much credibility to be making jokes about atheist on the front cover, readers will assumes the book is a joke too.

Anonymous said...

For sure I would choose the funny bird! It makes it more easy to give the book away as a gift to a friend. The lightning-one makes me feel as if I get struck by lightning, and drop dead, if I don't turn into a believer after reading this book.

betje.com said...

Zonder enige twijfel de rechter.
Die ziet er een stuk aantrekkelijker uit.
Misschien hangt het ook een beetje van de inhoud af. Wat is de stijl van het boek? Als die heel zwaar is past misschien de linker er beter bij. Maar ik zou het niet kopen. En zeker niet weggeven.
De foto van de bliksem vind ik gewoon niet hip maar vooral heel ernstig. De peacock is leuk!

Anonymous said...

Die pauw heeft het voordeel dat hij meer de aandacht trekt dan die donkere omslag en er ook gezelliger uitziet. Maar die 'bliksemomslag' is weer erg mooi en serieus. Ik denk dat je je moet afvragen wie je met het boek wilt bereiken en wat voor omslag die doelgroep het meeste zal aanspreken.
Ik hoop dat je wat aan dit commentaar hebt!

Paul said...

Hi, thanks for your input everybody!
After much consideration we have decided to put the peacock on the cover. StOne, the peacock is not an atheist, can't you see? He is clearly a believer...
Carla, I think you've got a point. We don't want to give the impression that God is punishing us with thunder and lightning. An atheist will say that these are just natural phenomena - and although I believe that nature shows God's majesty - you can explain away almost every thing in nature by 'logic'. At the end of the day it is all about what you believe.
We think that the peacock will get more attention and that the book will be picked up by a broader audience. The title is provocative, of course. The peacock shows that we are teasing and challenging readers a little bit.
Anyway, I think it was a good idea to ask your opinions. Of course we have asked several people and nobody knows for sure what will be the best choice. Let's hope that the peacock will do a good selling job! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Gooooo!!!!! Peacock!!!!!!

Effe in Dutch:
Ik vind de rechter (mét Pauw) ook veel mooier. Goed boek ook overigens!