
Calling All Nations to Berlin

Noel Richards - probably best known for his worship song All Heaven Declares [this is the melody] - is working hard with his team to organise a huge event that is scheduled to take place on July 15, 2006 in Berlin's Olympic Stadium. Click here and find out about this event. You can already order your tickets!

I wrote about this event before here, after hearing Noel talking about his vision to a group of Christian leaders in the Netherlands. The initial idea was to organise this event in 2005, but the venue was not available. Now there is more time to 'call all nations' to Berlin and it is also nice to know that this event will take place just after the Football World Championships. So for me, being a Dutchman, it must be so nice to walk in the streets of Berlin, knowing that I am representing the proud people of the Netherlands, football champions of the world in 2006 (mark my words - ha ha). But even if we don't make it to the finals (theoretically speaking, of course) I will still be representing the Champion of the Universe... and that is a fact!

Check out this promotional video from Noel Richards about Calling All Nations (ignore the date he is mentioning, the correct date is now Saturday 15th July, 2006 - write it in your diary and start praying! Please give some support and write about this event on your own blog too!)

You can also visit the Prayer for Berlin site.

I believe that the Spirit of God is moving and that the world will be surprised by the massive gatherings that will take place everywhere on the globe - starting in Berlin. Young Christians will raise their voices and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere!

What is the purpose of the Event?
To fill the stadium with the youth of the world and the young at heart / To sing out our praise and worship to Jesus Christ / For all of us to have a life-changing encounter with God as we call out to Him in prayer / To mobilise an army of ordinary people, to take the Gospel to the nations of Europe and beyond / To raise a huge offering that will be used to support mission and aid organisations!

What will happen on the day?
Exuberant praise and heartfelt worship as the musicians, singers and dancers lead us / Lots of crowd participation / Prayer - short strategic prayers into specific and current situations / Input - There will be a few brief challenges from key individuals regarding worship, justice and mission!

Who is taking part?
A huge list of worship leaders and musicians in the programme, drawn from many nations including: Brian Doerksen (CAN) / David Ruis (USA) / Matt Redman (UK) / Tim Huges (UK) / Noel Richards (UK) / Sue Rinaldi (UK) / Chris Bowater (UK) / Dave Bilbrough (UK) / Broken Walls (UK) / Judy Bailey (D) / Lothar Kosse (D) / Albert und Andrea Frey (D) / Arne Kopfermann (D) / Songhee Bae (ROK) / Graham Kendrick (UK) / Psalm Drummers (UK) / Paul Oakley (UK) / Tengerin Doo (D) / Christoph Bonnen (D) / Lilo Keller (CH) ... plus many more.

Hi everyone,
The stadiums of this world are not just for sporting events.
They are the places where the church can gather in tens of thousands to lift high the name of Jesus Christ. I am thrilled that after many years of planning, we are now on course to see the Olympic Stadium Berlin, filled with the sound of God's people worshipping, praying and dedicating themselves to mission.

I believe that on July 15th 2006, Calling All Nations will be a truly historic gathering. We are calling the youth of the world and the young at heart to come and worship in this great and strategic city of Berlin. Never before have so many people from all over the world gathered together like this.
Never before have such a global team of worship leaders and musicians come together to serve in this way. This will be a unique event and I encourage you not to miss it.

On July 9th, the football champions will be crowned when the World Cup Final takes place at the stadium. But just six days Noel Richardslater, in that same place, we will be declaring that there is only one champion, only one King and his name is Jesus Christ!

My prayer is that everyone who comes to this event will have a life changing encounter with Him and go out from there to play their part in reaching this generation with the Gospel.

Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin
Noel Richards

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