
Displaced New Orleans bloggers

Please have a look at these quotes from the weblogs of a Christian couple from New Orleans - now evacuated together with their children. Join me in praying for this family - and for all the other people that had to leave this beautiful city. Maybe you can let them know you care? Maybe there is something you can do to help?

I have an issue, with being called a refugee. I don’t know what to call us, but for some reason the thought of being called a refugee turns my stomach. Maybe it makes it more real, maybe refugee just isn’t something I ever thought would refer to American Citizens. Maybe that’s arrogant of me. Maybe I just don’t know anything. A Slip of the Pen

Sorry I just am not as trusting as Man as I am God, so I’m having to remember that God has me in His palm first, over Man and that He’ll make sure I get where I need to be, by His will and by His time. As hard as it is, when it comes down to it, God holds the cards, not us. That Faith in Him has been very shaky, but I’ve held on to it despite all. I’m learning you can’t bargain with God. There is an all or none with God. He wants All or you get none. He has all of my Faith as He deserves and desires. I have been humbled. A Real Big Fish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers.