
Another Santiago Calatrava masterpiece

I've received this comment from Jules on my recent posting about the Calatrava bridges near my house:

At 6:04 AM, September 27, 2005, Jules said...
This bridge looks similar to the one in Redding, California at the Turtle Bay Aquarium.. It's called the Sundial Bridge....

Well, Jules... you obviously know how to recognize a piece of art! I googled a little bit and look what I've found: this bridge is also designed by Santiago Calatrava! I think the Sundial bridge looks great. Compared to that giant (but elegant) construction our three bridges are very small. But hey, I live in a very small country. And let's not compare the scenery, please... Wow! It must be great to live in California!

You’ve never seen a bridge like the Sundial, this glass-and-steel sculpture that now soars over the Sacramento River. You can say this about the city leaders of Redding, Calif.: When it comes to building a footbridge, they're not afraid to get their feet wet. In fact, they hired one of the world's foremost bridge designers, Santiago Calatrava, an architect of an aesthetic sensibility so refined he has been described by Time as "the poet of glass and steel." Read this article

Below: Sundial Bridge in Redding (left side) and one of the three bridges in Haarlemmermeer (right side of this composition). You can see that the canal (Hoofdvaart) is nothing like the Sacramento River! The three bridges in our area were not really necessary - I think our local government just wanted to make some statements... They could have saved a lot of money by just ordering three dull, down-to-earth bridges. But now people stop to take pictures or they just stand still for a moment to enjoy the designs. Critics know the price, admirers see the value!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

offtopic: Hé Paul, would like to thank you for your very nice present. We are sure going to read it!

Also I wanted to say that I find the whole book very well designed! But do you also know who translated it? There seem to be a couple of errors in the translation.....(just joking, nice job on the translations ;-).

Thnx for your very nice wedding-present!

